
A facility is an Organization that has a type: facility. In this guide you will learn how to create main and branch facilities, start/cancel a trial/active subscription.

As soon as you verify an account's login credential(s), it can be used to create a facility (though only one main facility is allowed to be associated to an account). That account will then be the owner of the subscription for the created facility and be the only one allowed to manipulate it.

Creating a facility

A facility (Organization with type: 'facility') can be created using the organizations API's create method. it can optionally contain a subscription object w/c will be used to create its subscription


# Creating a free facility
curl <base-uri>/organizations \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>",
-d "{
  "type": "facility",
  "types": ["aesthetics-clinic"], // for specialized facilities
  "name": "My Clinic",
  "superadmin": "account-uid-her"

# Response
  "id": "facility-id",
  "createdAt": 12345567, // js timestamp
  "createdBy": "some-uid",
  "type": "facility",
  "types": ["aesthetics-clinic"],
  "name": "My Clinic"
# Creating a free facility while signing up
curl <base-uri>/accounts \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>",
-d "{
  "email": "email@domain.com",
  "password": "password",
  "personalDetails": {
    "name": {
      "firstName": "Name",
      "lastName": "Last"
  "organization": {
    "type": "facility",
    "types": ["aesthetics-clinic"], // for specialized facilities
    "name": "My Clinic",
    // optional subscription for starting trial/paid subscription instead of free
    // "subscription": {
    //   ...payload
    // }

# Response
  "uid": "some-id",
  "createdAt": 12345567, // js timestamp
  "email": "email@domain.com",
  "organization": {
    "id": "facility-id",
    "createdAt": 12345567, // js timestamp
    "createdBy": "some-uid",
    "type": "facility",
    "types": ["aesthetics-clinic"],
    "name": "My Clinic"
    // optional subscription object
    // "subscription": { ...payload }

Adding / Replacing Credit Card

Credit card can be added immediately on create method (by adding stripeToken field) or by patching stripeToken field in the subscriptions API

Stripe Subscription details

By adding the query operator $stripeSubscriptionExpand: true in the query params, subscriptions API's find and get method will populate the field stripeSubscription with the stripe Subscription object

Stripe Customer details

By adding the query operator $stripeCustomerExpand: true in the query params, subscriptions API's find and get method will populate the field stripeCustomer with the stripe Customer object

Starting a trial subscription

A trial subscription can be made only when there are no previous active subscription for the facility where the trial subscription is intended. A trial subscription can be started using the subscriptions API's create or patch method by providing a trial flag as one of the fields in the payload


  • storageMax, doctorSeatsMax, staffSeatsMax cannot be set greater the their default (free) values when starting a trial
  • trial mode is only available when the subscription has never been to an active status and has never been in trial mode
  • when in trial mode, storageMax, doctorSeatsMax, staffSeatsMax cannot be changed
  • a child facility cannot be created when on trial mode


# Creating a free facility with trial subscription
curl <base-uri>/organizations \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>",
-d "{
  "type": "facility",
  "types": ["aesthetics-clinic"], // for specialized facilities
  "name": "My Clinic",
  "subscription": {
    // "storageMax": 2, // this will throw an error if included #refer to caveat
    "trial": true, // aside from the caveates, this is the only difference between trial and paid
    "lis": true, // if no billable flag was toggled, no stripe session will be created
    "ris": true

# Response
  "id": "facility-id",
  "createdAt": 12345567, // js timestamp
  "createdBy": "some-uid",
  "type": "facility",
  "types": ["aesthetics-clinic"],
  "name": "My Clinic",
  "subscription": {
    "id": "facility-id",
    "createdAt": 12345567, // js timestamp
    "createdBy": "some-uid",
    "lis": false,
    "ris": false,
    "pendingUpdates": {
      "stripeSession": "some-session-id",
      "lis": true,
      "ris": true

Starting with paid subscription

A paid subscription can be made only when there are no previous subscription is associated to the creating account. A paid subscription can be started using the subscriptions API's create or patch method by providing flags for billable modules and/or providing values for storageMax, doctorSeatsMax, staffSeatsMax that are greater than the base/free values (currently all 1 for all). the returned Subscription object will then contain a Subscription.updatesPending.stripeSession field w/c will contain the stripe session that can be used by the receiving client to redirect the user (via stripe checkout) to a page where billing details will be collected (implicitly confirming availment intent). A stripe webhook will then be fired by stripe that will be handled by the API w/c will update the current subscription (optionally applying pendingUpdates to current subscription if the status is either active or trialing)


  • only one top-level (not child) facility can be made per account.


# Creating a facility with paid subscription
curl <base-uri>/organizations \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>",
-d "{
  "type": "facility",
  "types": ["aesthetics-clinic"], // for specialized facilities
  "name": "My Clinic",
  "subscription": {
    "storageMax": 2, // this will be billed as `n - base` storage plan, where base is the free value (1)
    "lis": true, // if no billable flag or billable additions (storage, doctor/staff seats) was toggled, no stripe session will be created
    "ris": true,

# Response
  "id": "facility-id",
  "createdAt": 12345567, // js timestamp
  "createdBy": "some-uid",
  "type": "facility",
  "types": ["aesthetics-clinic"],
  "name": "My Clinic",
  "subscription": {
    "id": "facility-id",
    "createdAt": 12345567, // js timestamp
    "createdBy": "some-uid",
    "lis": false,
    "ris": false,
    "pendingUpdates": {
      "stripeSession": "some-session-id",
      "storageMax": 2,
      "lis": true,
      "ris": true,

Availing/Discontuing additional modules, storage capacity, doctor/staff seats

Active subscriptions can add/remove modules, storage capacity, doctor/staff seats by updating their Subscription using the subscriptions API's patch method.


  • only active subscriptions can add additional modules, storage capacity, and seats
  • storageMax must be an non-negative integer. it cannot be less than the current storageUsed.
  • doctorSeatsMax must be an non-negative integer. it cannot be less than the current doctorSeatsOccupied.
  • staffSeatsMax must be an non-negative integer. it cannot be less than the current staffSeatsOccupied.


# Adding/removing modules, storage, and/or seats
curl <base-uri>/subscriptions/sub-id \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>",
-d "{
  "storageMax": 1, // move back to free. remove from billable subcription items
  "doctorSeatsMax": 3, // add additional seat. (n - base) is billable, where base is the free value (1)
  "lis": false, // discontinue LIS
  "pme": true, // enable PME module

# Response
  "id": "sub-id",
  "createdAt": 12345567, // js timestamp
  "createdBy": "some-uid",
  "status": "active",
  "storageMax": 1,
  "doctorSeatsMax": 3,
  "lis": false,
  "ris": true,
  "pme": true,
  "stripeSubscription": "stripe-subs-id",
  "stripeCustomer": "stripe-customer-id"

Cancelling a trial susbcription

A trial Subscription can be cancelled (making the subscription active, thus billing the customer) using the subscriptions API's patch method by providing a trial: false flag in the update payload.


# Cancelling a trial subscription (subscription with `status`: 'trialing')
curl <base-uri>/subscriptions/sub-id \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>",
-d "{
  "trial": false // stop trial, proceed to paid subscription

# Response
  "id": "sub-id",
  "createdAt": 12345567, // js timestamp
  "createdBy": "some-uid",
  "status": "active", // status becoms 'active' from 'trialing'
  "storageMax": 1,
  "trialStartedAt": 12345567,
  "trialEndAt": 12345567,
  "doctorSeatsMax": 3,
  "lis": true,
  "ris": true,
  "pme": true,
  "stripeSubscription": "stripe-subs-id",
  "stripeCustomer": "stripe-customer-id"

Cancelling an active subscription

An active Subscription can be cancelled (returning everything to free mode) using the subscriptions API's patch method by providing a cancel: true flag in the update payload.


# Creating a free facility with trial subscription
curl <base-uri>/subscriptions/sub-id \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>",
-d "{
  "cancel": true // stop subscription, reverting to free facility

# Response
  "id": "sub-id",
  "createdAt": 12345567, // js timestamp
  "createdBy": "some-uid",
  "status": "canceled",
  "storageMax": 1,
  "doctorSeatsMax": 1,
  "lis": false,
  "ris": false,
  "pme": false,
  "stripeSubscription": "stripe-subs-id",
  "stripeCustomer": "stripe-customer-id"

Creating a branch facility

A branch Facility can be created using the organizations API's create method by providing a parent field w/c is the id of the parent facility. it can optionally contain a subscription object w/c will be used to create its subscription (w/ must also contain a parent field pointing to its parent Subscription if the user wishes to bill the branch subscription to the existing parent Subscription)


  • branch Facilitys can only be created from an existing top-level Facility (not child) w/c has an active Subscription


# Creating a branch facility
curl <base-uri>/organizations \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>",
-d "{
  "parent": "parent-facility-id",
  "type": "facility",
  "types": ["aesthetics-clinic"], // for specialized facilities
  "name": "My Clinic",
  "subscription": {
    "parent": "parent-subscription-id", // so the billable items will be included in the parent subscription's stripe subscription instead of starting a new one
    // any other field, same rule from "stargin trial/paid" subscription applies

# Response
  "id": "facility-id",
  "createdAt": 12345567, // js timestamp
  "createdBy": "some-uid",
  "type": "facility",
  "types": ["aesthetics-clinic"],
  "name": "My Clinic"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""