Medical Records

Creating Medical Records

Created Medical Records are drafts until finalized either via directly finalizing the MedicalRecord or via the cascading effect of finalizing a MedicalEncounter.

Finalizing Medical Records

Only when a MedicalRecord is finailized will history tracking be enabled on a MedicalRecord so finalizing it is important. There are 2 ways to finalize a MedicalRecord:

  1. Finishing a MedicalEncounter will finalize all MedicalRecords associated to it; or
  2. A special patch operator finalize: true can be use in the medical-records API's patch method.


curl <base-url>/medical-records/<medical-record-id> \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <accessToken>"
-d "{
  "finalize": true,

Medical Records

Care Plans

A care plan is a type of the MedicalNote record. This record contains the following:

Field Type Description
type String The record type. I.e. care-plan
order String The MedicalProcedureOrder id
text String The field for doctor's notes
doctor String The uid of the doctor who provided the record

Lab Orders

There are two medical records that comprise the lab test flow: lab-test-order and lab-test-result. It should bear mentioning at this point that there are several Diagnostic entities related to these records. The distinctions are as follows:

  • LabTestOrder: When a doctor identifies a need for lab tests, the doctor may produce a written order for the laboratory's reference. This is represented by a LabTestOrder, which is a MedicalRecord of type lab-test-order.
  • DiagnosticTest: The doctor may write down one or more tests as part of the written order. Digitally, this is represented by a LabTestOrder containing references to one or more DiagnosticTests. DiagnosticTests in this case are a stand-alone entity that contains information about the actual test to be done. For example, a single LabTestOrder may include the DiagnosticTest for Complete Blood Count and the DiagnosticTest for Urinalysis.
  • DiagnosticMeasure: A single DiagnosticTest may in fact be composed of one or more values that are measured as part of the overall test. These are called test measures, and they are represented by another entity called DiagnosticMeasure. A good example here is the Complete Blood Count: it is a single DiagnosticTest, but is composed of several DiagnosticMeasures for Red Blood Cell count, White Blood Cell count, Platelet count, Differential count (eosinophils, basophils, etc.), and so on.
  • LabTestResult: A doctor's order for lab tests is fulfilled by a laboratory that will produce results for each test declared in the order. Each test result will also have values for each test measure declared in the test. To manage this, a LabTestResult is used, which is a MedicalRecord of type lab-test-result. A LabTestResult represents the results for a single DiagnosticTest. It contains an array of result values, one for each DiagnosticMeasure associated with that DiagnosticTest. Since LabTestOrders can have more than one DiagnosticTest, it is expected that it can also have more than one LabTestResult.

With these distinctions and flow in mind, the shape of each relevant record can now be understood:


Field Type Description
type String Should be 'lab-test-order'
tests LabTestOrderItem[] Array of items, which represent the tests in the order


Field Type Description
id String The ID of the DiagnosticTest to be done
name String The name of the DiagnosticTest


Field Type Description
order String The ID of the LabTestOrder to which this result is attached
test String The ID of the DiagnosticTest for which this result is given
results LabTestResultItem[] Array of items, which represent each result value in the test


Field Type Description
test String The ID of the DiagnosticTest, for convenience
testName String The name of the DiagnosticTest, for convenience
measure String The ID of the DiagnosticMeasure for which this result value is given
measureName String The name of the DiagnosticMeasure, for convenience
value any The result value for the DiagnosticMeasure
sivalue any The SI counterpart of value, if both Conventional units and SI units are provided
values any[] In some cases, DiagnosticMeasures require more than one value. Either value or values are filled up
sivalues any[] The SI counterpart of values

Imaging Orders

Imaging orders follow the same flow as lab orders. In fact, they share most of the same entities. Here are some crucial differences:

  • ImagingTestOrder: Same as LabTestOrder, except this is a MedicalRecord of type imaging-test-order.
  • DiagnosticTest: Exactly the same use case as for lab. To distinguish the two use cases, DiagnosticTests have type laboratory if intended for LabTestOrders, and type radiology if intended for ImagingTestOrders.
  • DiagnosticMeasure: Unused in practice. Imaging tests produce images, which do not fall under the same test measure model. Instead, each imaging DiagnosticTest expects only a single, qualitative, rich-text report as its result.
  • ImagingTestResult: Same as LabTestResult, except this is a MedicalRecord of type imaging-test-result. As hinted above, there is only ever a single result: a qualitative rich-text report.


Field Type Description
type String Should be 'imaging-test-order'
tests ImagingTestOrderItem[] Array of items, which represent the tests in the order


Field Type Description
id String The ID of the DiagnosticTest to be done
name String The name of the DiagnosticTest


Field Type Description
order String The ID of the ImagingTestOrder to which this result is attached
test String The ID of the DiagnosticTest for which this result is given
results ImagingTestResultItem[] Array of only a single item: the rich-text report


Field Type Description
test String The ID of the DiagnosticTest, for convenience
testName String The name of the DiagnosticTest, for convenience
value any The rich-text report as an HTML string

Medical Forms

Medical forms is the generic medical record object for the following certificates.

  • Medical Certificate
  • Fitness Certificate
  • Health History
  • Waiver
  • Claims
  • Questionnaires
  • Generic - The generic version for flexible usage

This record has the following fields:

Field Type Description
type String The record type. Enum: med-certificate, fit-certificate, health-history, waiver, claims, questionnaire and general
order String The order id
template String Template id. This record has a dynamic template that represents the layout of the form
values Array The values array of objects contains all of the data to be substituted to form's template layout

Here's a sample template data:

  "id": "5cc7f95b2d89a34340b79111",
  "type": "med-certificate",
  "template": "I, {doctor_name_0}, after careful examination hereby certify that {patient_name_0} who complained about {patient_complaint_0} was suffering from {patient_diagnosis_0}. \n<br>\nI consider that a period of absence from {custom_text_absence_from_0} from {date_0} to {date_1} is absolutely necessary for the restoration of patient's health.",
  "name": "Medical Certificate Template 2",
  "description": "Template 2. For general purposes (Without Follow-up date)"

You'll notice that the template literals contains the keywords enclosed with opening and closing curly braces. These are the tokens to be use for interpolating the data from the values field.


A Prescription is a medical record with type medication-order. This is the digital representation of the patient's medication order that contains a list of medicines. Medicines are populated in the field called items[Medicine]. The prescription document also contains the following information, clinic info, patient details, and medicines.


Field Type Description
type String Medical record type. I.e. medication-order
note String Optional doctor's note
items Array An array of Medicine objects


Field Type Description
medicine String Reference id to the medicine data.
brandName String Brand name of the medicine
genericName String Generic name of the medicine
dispense String Medicine dispense
dosageSig String Medicine dosage signature
dosageAmount Number Amount of dosage
formulation String Medicine formulation
formulationClassification String Medicine formulation classification
formulationForm String Medicine form of formulation
frequency String Medicine intake frequency
note String Optional doctor notes

results matching ""

    No results matching ""